A new planning application for Farnworth Town Centre could bring much needed retail and leisure facilities to the town and create in excess of 100 jobs.
Comprehensive proposals for the regeneration of Farnworth Town Centre have been developed by St. Modwen in partnership with Bolton Council. The planning application, expected to be submitted during November, is for the Market Precinct between Brackley Street and King Street, which is currently undeveloped and in need of investment.
The proposals are for the development of a new shopping parade comprising up to 23,000 sq ft of ground floor retail space, a first floor gym and improvements to the public realm.
Local people are invited to attend a public drop-in session at Farnworth Library on Tuesday 28October between 2.30pm and 7pm to learn more about the scheme. Members of the development team will be available to answer questions and listen to feedback. There will also be display boards in the window of 48 Brackley Street.
Steven Knowles, Development Director at St. Modwen, said: “St. Modwen’s intention to submit such an application demonstrates the improving economy which in turn, is having a positive impact on the commercial property market in the North. This much-needed scheme will transform Farnworth Town Centre, bringing significant investment and job opportunities to the local area. Our proposals will deliver an improved retail and leisure offering for the community.”
The masterplan for the new town centre has been developed in conjunction with Bolton Council following St. Modwen’s purchase of the precinct in 2011. Under the plans, Farnworth Market will also be reconfigured, as part of the wider town centre plan, to create a modern and revamped facility for traders and shoppers.
Leader of Bolton Council, Cllr Cliff Morris, said: “This development will transform an area that is in real need of new investment. We’ve been working with St. Modwen since they acquired the precinct and we’re very pleased that they are going to be submitting a planning application for the first phase.
“The development will deliver new jobs in Farnworth, and the expanded and improved retail offer will act as a catalyst for the wider regeneration of the town centre.”