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St. Modwen is inviting members of the public to a consultation event for its proposed town centre development which forms part of the £1billion regeneration of Longbridge.

The public consultation will be held at the Evolution Suite, the Innovation Centre, Longbridge Technology Park, 1 Devon Way, Longbridge, B31 2TS on Wednesday 3 November from 2pm to 8pm.

Local residents and interested parties are invited to an exhibition where they can view the regeneration plans and provide their feedback before a detailed planning application is submitted. Proposals for the new Longbridge town centre include 165,000 sq ft of retail space which amounts to 24 new shops and restaurants and include a major 85,000 sq ft foodstore. There are also plans for a 75 bed hotel and 40 two-bedroom apartments, together with community space including four acres of public parkland and the Austin Centre.

Proposals also include car parking provision, arrangements for access roads into the new town centre, and continued local road improvements. The £66 million Bournville College, which is at the heart of the proposed town centre, is already under construction on the site and will welcome its first students in September 2011.

Representatives from St. Modwen will be on-hand throughout the public consultation, together with the architects, planning consultants, and engineers working on the project. All will be available to answer questions relating to the new development, and to receive comments and feedback on the proposals.

Mike Murray, senior development surveyor for St. Modwen, said: “As we progress with the regeneration of Longbridge, St. Modwen is preparing to submit a planning application for the new Longbridge town centre. This follows on from previous public consultation events and the Longbridge Area Action Plan which was adopted in April 2009.

“We are now at the stage where our plans include much more detail on the layout of the town centre, the individual buildings and what they will be used for. Our aim is to create a vibrant and exciting town centre which will benefit the community, giving local people greater choice, better facilities and a more welcoming environment.

“Consulting with the public is an important part of the pre-planning process; and we therefore hope that local residents will take this opportunity to find out more about the new development and to provide their individual responses to the proposals.”

More than 400 acres is set to be transformed by St Modwen and Advantage West Midlands as part of the £1 billion regeneration of the former MG Rover works, delivering a sustainable community with the creation of 10,000 new jobs and up to 2,000 new homes. A new town centre will feature the new £66 Bournville College, which is currently under construction, and there will be vast public open spaces and an excellent public transport network.

More information on the town centre public consultation can be found at