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St Modwen to unveil Long Marston redevelopment plans at public exhibitions

St Modwen, the owner of the former Central Engineer¹s Depot at Long Marston, near Stratford-upon-Avon, is to unveil plans for the future redevelopment of the 470-acre site at public exhibitions this month.

Together with Stratford-on-Avon District Council, leading UK regeneration specialist St Modwen is drawing up a masterplan with four options being included in the consultation and all containing varying elements of residential and recreation/leisure.

The options being considered are:

* A linked new settlement which could provide 3,500 new homes, including affordable housing.

* Consolidating the existing employment uses through the centre of the site and provide a number of active recreational and outdoor leisure pursuits adjoining the rail head creating a gateway to the rest of the site.

* Using more than half the site for recreation and leisure opportunities including museum space for railway and rolling

stock and militaria in existing railway buildings, an equestrian arena, BMX and mountain bike courses and other sports facilities. The site would become a district focus for the community and the rail line would be used to bring in users and visitors.

* Continuation of the site¹s present use, utilising the existing infrastructure and buildings and provide limited residential and recreation opportunities.

Following the consultation, there will be a Œreview feedback¹ early next year and the community will be consulted over the preferred option next summer. The masterplan is scheduled to be finalised late 2008/early 2009.

Pat Reid, of Stratford-upon-Avon District Council, said: ³The long-term use of the site should be carefully planned in conjunction with the landowner and members of the local community. These public consultation events represent one of the first stages in planning the long-term future of the site.²

Peter Robbins of St Modwen, said: ³We have worked extremely closely with Stratford District Council on the preparation of these options. We are looking forward to receiving the reaction from the public. We will take people¹s views on board and hope to arrive at an acceptable and viable scheme which will benefit the local community.²

The exhibitions are planned at Quinton and Admington Village Hall, Lower Quinton, on October 17 between 3pm-8pm and at Long Marston Village Hall on October 20 between 10am -4pm.

Background Notes:

St Modwen acquired the former MoD site in November 2004 and has attracted a number of occupiers and resulted in the re-use of some 1.5 million sq ft of existing floorspace, 1.9 million sq ft of hardstanding and more than 30 miles of internal rail track.

More than 530 people are currently employed on the site. The Central Engineer¹s Depot closed in 1999.

For further information contact Peter Robbins of St Modwen (0121 222 9400).

Issued by Paul Raymer of Howle Chapman Raymer (07958 345328).