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St. Modwen, the UK’s leading regeneration specialist, has unveiled plans for a residential community on the southern edge of Church Gresley, in South Derbyshire.

The plans follow South Derbyshire District Council’s recently published draft Core Strategy Plan which includes proposals for a new housing development and the relocation of Gresley Football Club in Church Gresley. The current preferred location for the football club is a site off Penkridge Road.

St. Modwen’s proposed community will be developed on a 30 acre site south of Church Street next to Church Gresley Wood. The land was used formerly by Dyson Industries as a clay workings prior to being backfilled in the 1970s and 1980s.

The new development will help meet the District’s need for additional housing by providing up to 300 high quality houses in addition to public open space and children’s play areas. It will also facilitate the relocation of Gresley FC. The site is a walk away from local shops, schools and healthcare facilities and is close to main roads including the A514 and A444. A number of access points including pedestrian and cyclist routes will be provided to improve connectivity through the scheme as well as to surrounding areas.

Discussions are underway with South Derbyshire District Council about additional benefits that could be provided for the local community as part of the scheme, including the expansion of St. George’s Primary School, improvements to existing bus stops, capacity improvements to the junction of Church Street and Thorpe Downs Road and enhanced footway connections in the area. The development will also have a travel plan promoting sustainable travel.

The proposals were revealed at a public consultation event at St George and St Mary’s Community Rooms on Tuesday, when St. Modwen invited local residents and interested parties to view and comment on the plans.

St. Modwen Senior Asset Manager Julie Rossiter said: “This will be a high quality residential community in a very accessible location that will bring social and environmental benefits to the Church Gresley area and contribute to the District’s housing supply together with the opportunity to relocate Gresley FC. The development is illustrative of St. Modwen’s skill in regenerating brownfield sites and has been carefully designed to integrate into the surroundings and combines contemporary design with the site’s National Forest location.

“We were pleased to meet residents at the public consultation event which was organised as part of St. Modwen’s commitment to on-going consultation with the public. All comments and feedback received will help shape and inform our proposals.”